Public Engagement
The transition to a circular water economy requires not only technology, but a systemic change in thinking, behavior, planning and regulation.
Engaging the Public
As part of Project Ô’s communication efforts, a series of public engagement events were planned with a focus on co-creation, political communication and science advocacy. These events ensured a continuous bi-directional knowledge-transfer between the project and non-expert communities in Italy, Israel, Spain and Croatia.
Each event began with an introduction to provide an overview of Project Ô’s innovations and key concepts, such as water reuse. Next, participants toured -physically or virtually- the demonstration sites while an expert explained how each water treatment module was developed and installed. This was followed by a group discussion to clarify their perspectives on water sustainability concerns and hopes. The final stage of the event was a co-creation activity in which participants were asked to create and share news stories about either the future of water sustainability in their local areas or innovations at the demonstration sites.