Water Governance
Water reuse may raise new and different types of water and related qualities, new associated risks, new responsibilities, and new sets of actors involved.
Circular Water Economy
The transition towards a Circular Water Economy may generate new water loops with additional challenges for water governance, such as the need for clear boundaries of responsibilities among stakeholders, congruence between appropriation and provision rules and local conditions, and robust monitoring schemes.
Moreover, successful implementation of water circular economy loops may be influenced by the awareness of stakeholders, the fair share of cost, benefits, and risks, as well as the existence of mechanisms of conflict prevention and resolution.
Co-creation processes
In the context of Project Ô, co-creation processes are key tools to engage current and new stakeholders to further improve institutional arrangements and water reuse management strategies.
Co-creation workshops contribute to win-win strategies to face new challenges and to manage and reduce potential risks, as well as to collectively ensure adequate rules and governance approaches.
During the first half of 2022, we conducted a four-hour online co-creation workshop in each of our demosites. During this workshop, participants discussed and identified potential solutions to problems related to the implementation of the new water loop in their regions.